Interview: Association Nosilia & Society of Cancer Patients of Athens “KEFI”- 1st Round of Accelerator

  1. A few words about the goals and the work of the organizations Nosilia ad KEFI.

In 2001 a group of employees in the health field started almost spontaneously to offer free of charge hospitalization at the homes of patients with long-term illnesses. A while after that, we became the Association Nosilia, an Independent Non-Governmental Organization located  in Athens. Since then, licensed health professionals and volunteers are working together in order to provide healthcare to as many as possible fellow people.

Other than home nursing care to bed ridden patients, we also provide support to lonely patients who are hospitalized at Pammakaristos Hospital and we run a Social storage of drugs, orthopedic aids and materials at Iakovaton Street, 50, Kato Patisia. Furthermore, we have a mobile Team of medical and care support, which intervenes wherever there is a need to do so. Since its establishment, ‘Nosilia’ has been consistently growing, retaining its culture and values unspoiled so as to defend the right to decent hospitalization for every citizen.

The Society of Cancer Patients of Athens ‘KEFI’ was founded on the spring of 2004. The purpose of the Association is to change the idea that this illness, together with the debilitation of the body due to the therapy procedures, is also able to debilitate the human soul. This is refuted by all members, who got together in order to provide psychological support to every new patient and their family. The Society aspires to support them during the difficult times of the diagnosis, the surgery and the therapies, to offer the place to share experiences & feelings with the ultimate goal of mutual aid and the opportunity to reverse society’s awkwardness and fear regarding cancer.

  1. A few words about the program StiriZOUME.

StiriZOUME is a program offering home support to the fighters of cancer. We know very well that at the most important battles of our life we also need the most important alliances. The program StiriZOUME is such an alliance. It is the result of the collaboration of ‘Nosilia’ and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, which believed in our dream and supported our work with its polite sponsorship.

The program’s goal is the amelioration of the quality of life of oncological patients through their medical and psychosocial cover in their familiar environment. Home support will always be provided after hospital care, helping the patients to combat the illness’s symptoms as good as possible, both organically and psychosocially.

Furthermore, home care will protect the patients, limiting drastically the nosocomial infections from their possible admission to a hospital. Help will be provided on many and different levels, depending on each patient, their needs as well as their desires.

This is a pilot program and it will serve the residents of the wider region of  the Municipality of Athens for the time period of 01/11/2017- 30/04/2018.

  1. What would you advise an organization concerning the writing of a successful proposition for funding?

A very important ingredient for the writing of a successful proposition for  funding is its very good preparation. The careful assessment of the needs and the study of the field that concerns the work is something that requires a lot of time but it also creates the foundation for the ‘building’ of a well structured proposition.

A proposition which will aim to the resolution of an already existing problem has more chances to catch the attention of the sponsor. A very basic ingredient is that the organization, the person or the team that will be involved  with the writing is very well informed for everything is mentioned in the proposition and is able to substantiate what is written.

A well written proposition leaves no questions to the reader. It answers with clarity to the ultimate goal, the target and the way and it presents the work’s results.

We view as a good practice the reading of the proposition by other people who are not part of the close circle of the organization and to take their comments under serious consideration.

It is also important to make clear through the proposition the capability of the organization to realize its work effectively. And of course an aesthetically pleasing proposition earns extra points and becomes more special.

  1. How much do you thing that your participation to HIGGS Accelerator Program has helped you and why?

The Chinese say that ‘’If you want to satisfy the hunger of a person for a day, give him a fish. I f you want to satisfy his hunger for life teach him how to fish.’’ This is what happened with our participation in HIGGS Accelerator Program. We learned how to ‘’fish’’ and since this seems very effective we don’t miss a chance to learn new techniques!

So we seized the opportunities for knowledge and we recreated our Organization’s branding, we came up with a new communication plan, we renewed the procedures of our Office’s services and we formed our new strategy. We emphasized on networking and we developed new collaborations with other organizations( for example GivMed, Sociality, ethelon), companies and Institutions.

Indicatively, we mention what we achieved:

– We participated in the Program ‘’ Support points’’ , with the funding of S. Latsis Institution.

 – We were supported in a Program by The Leventis Insitution.

 – We participated in Bodosaki’s Institution NGO’s Empowerment Program ‘’Social Dynamo’’.

– We were on air as part of the Program ‘’The Athens who gives’’ by the Municipality of Athens.

– We were awarded the Golden Prize at the 2nd Voluntary Action Festival, under the category ‘’Health & Care’’.

At this point, we feel the need to mention that TIMA Foundation and Mrs Valia Fragkou are who brought us to HIGGS’s path, through an empowerment program we were sponsored for.

  1. Why would you advise other organizations to participate in the Accelerator program?

In the Accelerator program we learned that in order to go forward, help even more people and increase our social impact we have to follow some particular procedures that through training are becoming knowledge.

We were taught the way and the tools to our make good use of our multiannual experience in the field and to achieve the best operation of our Organization. HIGGS remains a stimulating zone for us and with every chance we get we will use the opportunities that is offering us while at the same time its team is always willing to offer us advice and stand by our side.

Every organization that has the spark for evolution must know that HIGGS can light the fire!

  1. Which are your next steps?

Our main concern is to realize qualitative and effectively our new Program ‘StiriZOUME’ as well as secure the continuity and the sustainability of the already existing programs operated by ‘Nosilia’.

We think that the capitalization of the results of the programs we are operating is of great importance so as to achieve the best profit for the beneficiaries and our Organization.

Our goal is to enrich the services we are offering and to constitute an exemplary model of provision of health care services and home care to people who do not have the capability of paying. Because everyone has the right to  decent home care!

We also plan to develop our Volunteer  Program and our workforce but also to expand the circle of our supporters by creating collaborations with companies as part of the programs of Corporate Social Responsibility as well as with their counterparts abroad.



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