Interview: TIMA Charitable Foundation
The TIMA Charitable Foundation supports Greek nonprofit organizations dedicated to social improvement and places emphasis on ageing. The TIMA Charitable Foundation is a philanthropic organization which directs grants to Greek and Greek-related nonprofit organizations. The Foundation awards grants in the areas of social welfare, health care, education, arts and culture, and science. It funds nonprofit organizations that have demonstrated effective management skills and have achieved significant, long-lasting, and tangible results.
Mrs Valia Fragkou, Advisor at the TIMA Charitable Foundation answers HIGGS’s questions regarding the provision of funding to Non-Profit Organizations.
1. The TIMA Charitable Foundation puts empahis on grants in the area of ageing. Could you please tell us the reasons that led you to this choice? Have you ever considered to expand your activities in other fields of civil society?
Third-age is the Foundation’s main target group. Donations are also made to nonprofit organizations which serve other population groups, but on an annual basis the majority of the Foundation’s grants are directed to elderly people. The main reasons that led us to give priority to programs for elderly are the reduced availability of other funding sources and the complex/multiple needs of this group. International surveys have shown that more funding is directed to other groups such as children and that the elderly are not the priority. In addition, aging causes gradual impairment of the body’s functions, resulting in increased needs and difficulty in dealing with them. The Foundation, in line with its five-year strategic plan, intends to continue focusing on elderly without excluding other groups of beneficiaries.
2. Once you receive a proposal for funding, how long does it take to evaluate it and inform the applicant organisation?
The applicant organization receives notification when submitting its application within a few days. The request is either evaluated or rejected. The evaluation process starts immediately and applicants are informed about the rejected application. The main factor which determines the duration of the evaluation process depends on the time the organization will need to collect and send to us the required documents. In most cases it takes three to six months to accept a grant proposal. The Foundation accepts applications throughout the year.
3. In addition to the financial support you provide to your grantees, are there any other ways you offer support?
When the Foundation provides a funding, its contribution is not limited to financial support. The Foundation considers the organizations as its partners and reinforces them in a variety of ways. In addition to providing information and networking, the Foundation organizes capacity building seminars for non-profit organizations. Such an example is the educational seminar “Efficient Management and Sustainability Tools for Long-Term Care Structures for the Elderly” by the Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Peloponnese. The seminar focuses on daily management issues as well as on ageing matters, and it is provided to members of non-profit long-term care facilities for elderly from all over Greece.
Since 2015 the Foundation incorporates in its grants a service of reinforcing organizations. This service is designed in collaboration with specialists such as HIGGS.
4. Do you offer the total grant in the beginning, in the end or in installments?
The allocation of grant depends on the objective of the funding. For instance, in the case of monthly food packages, monthly payments are made while for the procurement of equipment individual payments are made. The payment is made by submitting the legal and relevant documents.
5. From time to time the TIMA Charitable Foundation has collaborated with other foundations that also fund and support the efforts of Greek NGOs. Could you please inform us on the major benefits of this collaboration, for both foundations and organizations?
The TIMA Charitable Foundation cooperates with other foundations in various ways. Collaborations may be developed for exchanging information about organizations or for co-financing, complementary donations and other financial initiatives. One example is the “Points of Support” program implemented by the TIMA Charitable Foundation, The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation and the Hellenic Hope. The program provides grants to projects that aim to promote innovation and improve effectiveness in the field of NGOs.
Funding co-operations between foundations maximize social impact which is important for both foundations and organizations. In addition, these collaborations increase the funding sources and therefore organizations will not have to depend on one or a few donors. This practice contributes to the long-term sustainability of organizations. For foundations, collaborations contribute to the most effective fulfillment of their goals.
Please visit the website of TIMA Charitable Foundation here.
We are very grateful to Mrs Fragkou and the TIMA Charitable Foundation for this interview.